How the spit was flown and other tales….



We took some publicity photos this week and so my lumberjack beard has been shed in favor of something that might resemble what I have during performances. This Monday we went over scenes we had done last week a second time. The first time we did them it was in English, now it was time for the Klingon to commence. We sat down with our language coach Jeremy and repeated every line of the scenes in Klingon. First syllable by syllable, word by word, and then line by line. It’s a process that takes a good chunk of the rehearsal but is well worth it.

We got up on our feet to do the scene in the original language. My first line of the season in Klingon was uttered with such enthusiasm that it launched a rather gross amount of moisture onto poor SQuja’. Rehearsal was brought to a halt while SQuja’ took care of my unintended gift. This is probably a good warning for those who have never seen the show before. Klingon is a very spittacular language. If you come and see the show and don’t enjoy getting showers like that, it’s always a good idea to maybe choose a seat a few rows back.

We also were fitted for our ridges on Thursday, which was well covered by Caity-Shea. While they were pulling people away for that, the rest of us were playing games designed to help our characters build relationships and work on our physicality. My favorite was a game simply called 3 minutes with SQuja’. Each actor got three minutes with our hard working and patient SQua’ Phil to do whatever we wanted to do to him as our character. It was both fun and revealing and I think people made a lot of discoveries that may be useful for the future. That’s all for this week!

Ali inspects our wigs.

Ali inspects our wigs.


SQuja' is about to is not wise to mess with a Vulcan.

SQuja’ is about to learn…it is not wise to mess with a Vulcan.

A SQuja' and his love...

A SQuja’ and his love…

Photo time.

Photo time.