QachIt Family table read in Klingon. L to R, Shandee Vaughan, Phil Zimmermann, Jeremy Cowan, Christina Romano, Clark Bender’s forehead, Elizabeth MacDougald, Christopher Kidder-Mostrom.
We’ve been busy in the rehearsal room finishing blocking (!!!) and working through language. Almost all of my rehearsals this week were for QachIt family scenes and it turns out when you mix a room full of sleep deprived artists, a puppet and space language, things get super silly. Like painting with the windows closed silly. Giggle fits, Star Trek puns, and a surprising amount of cat references filled the rehearsal space as we blocked and incorporated language into our dinner conversation around the table.

Elizabeth MacDougald and tImHom
In the show, my character marDa QachIt often interacts with her younger brother tImHom, a puppet brought to life by the talented Elizabeth MacDougald. Throughout blocking, Catie (our director) had tImHom and I improv some playful interactions to incorporate fun brother/sister moments into the scenes. Our puppet expert Alison Farajpanahi joined rehearsal one evening to work with the cast on puppet movement and etiquette.
(Alison teaching me how to pick up tImHom after several failed attempts)
Me: So, do I like aim for the armpits or try to just scoop him up or…
Alison: Think of it like you’re picking up a two-year old.
(Blank stare)
Alison: You know, like how you pick up a kid when you’re going to hold them?
Me: I just realized I don’t think I’ve ever held a child. Like ever. Does that say something about me?
Alison: …have you ever picked up anything similar to a child?
Me: Do cats count?
Alison: We’ll work with it.
Join some Klingon Christmas Carol cast members at Geek Bar in Wicker Park this Sunday, November 9th from 3-7pm for a “Klingon Cultural Symposium”! You might even see some ridges {{{:-)
Until next week!
This is Klingon Christmas Carol’s 5th and FINAL year in Chicago, so tickets will be going quickly! Guarantee your spot by getting tickets in advance at: http://www.tinyurl.com/Klingontickets-2014