There’s one thing about working on A Klingon Christmas Carol which amazes me more than anything else. It’s not the people, though the people have been wonderful. It’s not the audience, though the audience has been terrific. It’s not the fights, the music, or the humor. It’s not the copious amounts of wish fulfillment or realized dreams....
CommBeau News
It's hard to face the truth, but A Klingon Christmas Carol can't go on forever. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. will be the final time you can catch the show this year. And while that last statement may be cause for sadness, the evening itself will be cause for celebration....
On opening night, Commedia Beauregard had an epic silent auction. One item of which was held in higher regard than any other. We auctioned off a chance to be in the show!...
We’ve just finished number fourteen out of eighteen performances over a four week period, which is at least twice the length to which I am accustomed. All this and we still have another week left, four more shows to do....