

The level names for our supporters come from the great translators throughout history and/or the tools/challenges of translators. But mostly, this page is to thank the folks who make our shows possible.  And so…

Thank you!

We couldn’t pursue our art without you.

Supporters of the 2013-2014 season:

Titivillus Level (up to $50) Quill Level ($51 – $200)
Donna Adams Jill Lybarger Alan Anderson
Anonymous (5) Chris Lysy Anonymous (2)
Joel Baass Felix Malmenbeck Clark Bender
Glenn Bender Bobbi Meister Michael Esposito
Melanie Bender Rosemary Metzger Joshua Matthew Evans
Etta Berkowitz & Don Mostrom Jessica Meyer Kathy Sue King
Meta Brown John Miller CJ Miller
Tracy Buchman Robert Monfort Richard Peete
Celebration Generation Jeffrey Moon J.J. Revis
Stephanie Coffield Nicole Moustafa Matt Ross
Jim Cohick Jeff Nurkiewicz Christine Schreyer
Pete Constan Marc Okrand Kevin Slattery
Kaspar Copper George OÍNeill Timothy Walter
Tony Costa Jilana Ordman David Yonge-Mallo
Roman Dale Jack and Rita Otto
John Darrow Linda Pajuajis Scroll Level ($201 – $499)
Nikki Deasy Scott Pakudaitis Ronald & Judith Kidder
Sondra de Jong Rebecca Palmore Marc & Julie Malnekoff
Angela Douglas Eugene Par Audra Whitton
Bjorn Ehrby Peter Phillips
Alison Eldridge Christoph Pichlman Rosetta Level ($500 – $999)
Diane Firestone Alice P Rebecchi Anonymous
Fernando Flores Christina Roberson
Gerik Fon-Revutzky Nils Rosenberg Jerome Level ($1000+)
Kyle Freistedt Merc Rustad Christopher & Ali Kidder-Mostrom
Craig Furfine David Seide
Greg & Jennifer Geishen Deborah Spiesz
Gene Green Mark Stallings
Rick Guasco Sean Swisher
Michael Hall Robert Szafranski
Mike Hallenbeck Susan Szews
Anne Haywood Mike Szot
Howard Hess Patricia Taylor
Becky Hong Laura Thurston
Heath Hummel Ambrosia Webb
Davod Kaiser Guy Wicke
Tim Kidder Ann Widdowson
Amy Knickrehm
Gregory Larson
Jon Lindberg