Scrooge has no honor, nor any courage. Can
three ghosts help him to become the true
warrior he ought to be in time to save Tiny
Tim from a horrible fate? Performed in the
Original Klingon with English Supertitles,
and narrative analysis from The Vulcan
Institute of Cultural Anthropology.
The Dickens classic
tale of ghosts and redemption adapted to
reflect the Warrior Code of Honor and then
translated into tlhIngan Hol (That's
the Klingon Language).
A co-production of Commedia
Beauregard and the IKV RakeHell of the Klingon Assault Group.
Made Possible by the generous support of

12 Performances by
Popular Demand
After hearing "We'd love to
see it, but we can't make it that night," from hundreds of people
over the last two years, Commedia Beauregard has committed to making
it easier to attend a performance of A Klingon Christmas Carol.
No longer a one-night-only event, the full run of the show will
start on Black Friday (November 27th, 2009) and continue through
December 13th. You can start your holiday season with Honor
and Glory!
Lt. Kevin Riley (TOS) enjoys a Klingon
Xmas Carol
Hyde, the actor who protrayed Lt. Kevin Riley in two episodes of
Star Trek in the 1960's joined the cast of A Klingon Christmas
Carol for a quick snapshot after enjoying the production in
a sold-out house on Monday, Dec. 7th, 2009.
That evening was also the
"Pay-With-Your-Can" night. Audience members brought in almost
800 pounds of food in exchange for tickets. The food was
gathered to benefit Second Harvest Heartland and the hungry families
of Minnesota.
Closing weekend tickets are still
available, but are going fast. Make your reservations today!
Some tickets are being held for walk-up sales, too, if you want to
try your luck at the door.