Translated by
Qe'pa sutai-Qul, Qob zantai-Hurric, Q'DroS vestai-Kiln,
and Doqtuj

Online Mentions:
CityPages Blotter --
Klingons, Churches, and Coulton
(Oh My)
Kowabunga --
A Klingon Christmas Carol
Mark Simonson Studio --
A Klingon Christmas Carol
CityPages (Quinton Skinner) -- A-
A Klingon Christmas
Fox 9 Morning News --
Klingons Invade a Holiday Classic
Pioneer Press --
And the Tiny Klingon exclaimed
'God bless us, Hoch!'
Rhapsody --
Pimping Klingons
Your Tech Weblog (TwinCities.com)
- It's "A Klingon Christmas Carol" I Kid You Not
It's Been a Day
-- One of the actors blogs his experience
Anomolous Data - An Evening of
Yuletide Cheer and Culture
Hyperbologue -
Get Your Holiday Nerd On
Press Packet: