- A personal letter from your Klingon.
- An invitation to a special Meet-and-Greet reception to get to know your Klingon (If you dare!).
- A show poster signed by the entire cast of "A Klingon Christmas Carol"
- A VIP ticket to Opening Night of "A Klingon Christmas Carol" & a photo with your Klingon in costume (the Klingon, not you).
- Your name will appear here and in the show's program as the
sponsors of your Klingon.
A Klingon Christmas Carol
November-December 2011:
Greenhouse Theater Center, Chicago, IL
A donation of $100 adopts one of the Klingons from "A Klingon Christmas Carol".
As an adoptive parent, you will receive:
SQuja' (Ebenezer Scrooge) --
A miser, a coward, and a Klingon without honor, SQuja' is clearly in
need of help more than many other Klingons. Some have said
that he's beyond all hope, but we at Commedia Beauregard believe he
can be saved from his dismal fate with the help of someone like you (played by Kevin Alves).
Parent #1: Marc Malnekoff
Parent #2: Chris Lipscombe
QachIt (Bob Crachit) --
Forced to work long hours for little pay this honorable Klingon
still somehow manages to provide for his family despite the efforts
of his employer to keep him destitute and overworked. Your
support can help to free him from the oppression he faces on a daily
basis (played by Kai Young).
Parent #1: **Still Waiting**
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
vreD (Nephew Fred) --
Always filled with the spirit of The Feast of the Long Night, this
esteemed warrior diligently expends immense amounts of energy trying
to convince his uncle that there is something wonderful about the
Year Games. His efforts have him tired, but your support could
give him some extra umpf (played by Jake Jones).
Parent #1: **Still Waiting**
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
marja' (Mrs. Fred) --
A worthy warrior and mate, this Klingon dedicates her life to training herself and her husband to be ever ready. Every battalion needs someone to stir the emotions, and this is the Klingon that her clan turns to. Your support can ensure that her efforts continue to benefit everyone (played by Ellen Cribbs).
Parent #1: John Cribbs
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
marlI' (Jacob Marley) --
Dead these many years and suffering more than most, this formerly
dispicable Klingon is paying dearly for his misdeeds. But how
much suffering must one Klingon stand? Wouldn't you like to be
the one who assists in easing his continuing pain? (played by Chris Lysy)
Parent #1: Helen Lysy
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
Ghost of qeylIS Past (Ghost of
Christmas Past) -- Encompassing the spirit of the ideal
Klingons of the past is a heavy burden to place on one so weak.
Commedia Beauregard sees hope for the future in the "Past".
Your gift will ensure that this spirit can go on changing lives for
years to come (played by Zach Livingston).
Parent #1: Wendy G. Van Tassell
Parent #2: Tom Van Tassell
veSIwIq (Fezziwig) --
Klingon life is nothing without celebration. And no
celebration is complete without its host. What would The
Feast of the Long Night be without this noble Klingon? We
don't want to find out. Please give with your hearts and
insure his continued efforts (played by Clark Bender).
Parent #1: **Still Waiting**
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
bel (Belle, Young Scrooge's
love interest) -- Have you ever seen such a beautiful
Klingon? Her radiant beauty could go to waste without help
from you. As captain of a Battle Cruiser, we can't afford to
lose her other talents, either. Her deeds could become great
songs with the proper support (played by Christina Romano).
Parent #1: **Still Waiting**
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
Ghost of qeylIS Present (Ghost
of Christmas Present) -- How can it be that the perfect
embodiment of Klingon life is at risk of fading away so soon?
His time on this planet is short, but the potential impact he can
have while here is amazing. Don't let him go away without
giving him a helping hand (played by Phil Zimmermann).
Parent #1: Judith Kidder
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
tImHom (Tiny Tim) -- Born with fewer redundant organs than most Klingons, this
little tyke has more spirit in his one heart than many have in their
two. But, unless someone steps forward with assistance, the future looks bleak for this little one.
Wouldn't it be better that one day he could carry a Batleth rather
than a crutch? (Played by tImHom puppet, Alison Faraj: Puppeteer)
Parent #1: **Still Waiting**
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
marDa' (Martha Cratchit) --
Part of an impoverished family, this young female has sacrificed greatly to care for her ailing brother. A difficult childhood can lead to greatness, or to a career in theatre. Only you can help her along the proper path. (played by Ashley Boots).
Parent #1: James Legner
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
'emlI' (Mrs. Crachit) -- She's a
mad mother with attitude. Don't stand in her way, it could be
painful for you. Don't let others stand in her way, either.
By making a donation today, you can clear the path for her to uphold
her family's honor and fight for her son's glorious future (played by Jen Usellis Mackay).
Parent #1: Michelle Peat
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
Ghost of qeylIS Yet-to-Come
(Ghost of Christmas Yet-To-Come) -- There is a dark figure
waiting for all of us. Today is a good day to die, but what
would happen if when life ended in glorious battle, there was no
Grim Reaper. Without your support uncounted Klingons may
discover that their guide to Sto-Vo-Kor is missing (played by Mat Twillie).
Parent #1: **Still Waiting**
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
Boy (A Klingon Child) -- A child without a single credit to his name, he must depend on the kindness of others to buy his first batleth. There is no place for the weak in the empire, but the eager youths aren't yet old enough to test their mettle. How can this one even have a fair shot without your help?
(Played by Andrew Brown-Thomas)
Parent #1: Piper Sagan
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
Huch Qoy'wI' -- Not a grasping Ferengi, the Huch Qoy'wI' works to raise the capital to fund the training of the next generation of warriors who will serve the Empire with honor. Your support will help him fulfill his mission! (played by Zach Serota).
Parent #1: **Still Waiting**
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
Vulcan Narrator' -- Wait a minute! She's not a Klingon! No, it's true. One of our offerings here is from Vulcan. But she is not without honor in her own way. In fact, we couldn't go on without her. Some would say that she suffers these base Klingon players stoically. But we know that if she ever showed any emotion at all, it would be love for her rowdy warrior friends. (played by Sara Wolfson).
Parent #1: Michael Wolfson
Parent #2: **Still Waiting**
The not so fine print: Commedia Beauregard will schedule the Meet-and-Greet and the Special Rehearsal according to the production schedule of the 2011 production of "A Klingon Christmas Carol". These dates will be set by the company and donors will be receive invitations to those specific dates. Inability to attend on those dates does not entitle the donor to attend a rehearsal on a different date.
Each Klingon is available on a First-Come-First-Served basis. Because of this, and because of a bit of lag time in our donation system, if you have chosen a Klingon who has the maximum number of parents, you will be contacted to make a new choice. Each Klingon is limited to two (2) parents. We apologize in advance for any disappointment this may cause.
While poking fun at the Christian Children's Fund, this is not in any way affiliated with that program. It is a fundraiser of Commedia Beauregard Chicago NFP, specifically to assist in funding the continuation of "A Klingon Christmas Carol", the only full-length production ever done in the Klingon tongue on this planet. No actual Klingons will suffer the horrible fates mentioned above as a result of this promotion/fundraiser. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
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